Types: SA SB SC
Material: CR + Kevlar hard cord
Types: ZX / AX / BX / CX / DX / 3VX / 5VX / 8VX / AV10 / AV13 / AV15 / AV17 / AV22 / XPA / XPB / XPC
Types: PJ PK PL
Types:HA / HB / HC / HD / SPA / SPB / SPC / 3V / 5V / 8V
Types :AA / BB / CC
Types: HI / HJ / HK / HL / HM
→Check pulleys and make them aligned. Incorrect alignment may shorten the service belt life.
→Check the pulley main components and lubricate the working parts periodically.
→Pay attention to the pulley grooves and make sure they are all equal in dimensions.
→Check the pulley abrasion and remove any rust, dirt or grease that may influence belt usage.
→Ensure heat dissemination of pulley in belt operation.
→Locate belt by moving the motor
→Put belts onto the pulley one by one and locate belts first on the driving pulley
→Do not use a lever to force belt onto pulleys but turning pulley slowly can facilitate installation.
→Apply tension to prevent slippage at full loading and run 5 minutes and re-tension. If necessary, please re-adjust the tension after belts running a few days.
→Do not combine to use new and used belts in one set that may shorten belt life due to unbalanced stretch of belts.